
[VIDEO] Aligning a CGH Test

In this video, Dr. Jim Burge demos a CGH test alignment step-by-step:

  1. Install the CGH using its magnetic click-in mount
  2. Align the CGH to the interferometer
  3. Align the asphere to the test: axial spacing, lateral position, and clocking


Part 1:


Test optic alignment is explored in more detail:

  • Mechanical references such as tooling balls
  • SMRs (sphere mounted retroreflectors) and laser trackers
  • CGH alignment patterns: ⭐Catseye reflection ⭐Projected spots ⭐Line Focus References with SMRs


Part 2:


This excerpt is from an invited talk titled “Easy Alignment Techniques for CGH Metrology” from the Optical Fabrication and Testing Conference on June 18, 2021. Content is shared with permission from the OSA.


Dr. Jim Burge holds bachelor’s degrees in physics and mechanical engineering from Ohio State University and a PhD in optical sciences from the University of Arizona. He is Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences and Astronomy at the University of Arizona, where he had an active role in teaching, advising, and performing cutting-edge research in Large Optics Fabrication and Testing (LOFT) for 20 years. Dr. Burge currently works as the President of AOM – Arizona Optica Metrology LLC, providing measurement solutions for optical surfaces and systems ranging from space telescopes to mass-produced consumer optics
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