CAD Models
- CAD Model: CGH-S9-C9_A.step
- CAD Model: CGH-S9-C0_A.step
- CAD Model: CGH-S6-C6_A.step
- CAD Model: CGH-S6-C0_A.step
- CAD Model: CGH-S3-C6_A.step
- CAD Model: CGH-S3-C3_A.step
- CAD Model: CGH-S3-C0_A.step
- CAD Model: C6XXXC_A.step
- CAD Model: C4XXXC_A.step
- CAD Model: C3XXXs_A.step
- CAD Model: C2XXXS-BC.step 2-Inch Cylinder CGH
- Customer Drawing: MP6-BLANK_A
- Customer Drawing: MP3-BLANK_A
- Customer Drawing: VRT-050_A
- Customer Drawing: CRT-050_A
- Customer Drawing: C6AC3_A
- Customer Drawing: C6R_A
- Customer Drawing: FP9-H600_A
- Customer Drawing: FP6-H600_B
- Customer Drawing: FP6-H425_B
- Customer Drawing: FP3-Z-H600_B
- Customer Drawing: FP3-Z-H425_B
- Customer Drawing: FP3-H600_A
- Customer Drawing: FP3-H425_A
- Customer Drawing: CGH-S9-C9_A
- Customer Drawing: CGH-S9-C0_A
- Customer Drawing: CGH-S6-C6_A
- Customer Drawing: CGH-S6-C0_A
- Customer Drawing: CGH-S3-C6_A
- Customer Drawing: CGH-S3-C3_A
- Customer Drawing: CGH-S3-C0_A
- Customer Drawing: C6XXXC_A
- Customer Drawing: C4XXXC_A
- Customer Drawing: C3XXXS_A
- Customer Drawing: C2XXXS-BC 2-Inch Cylinder CGH
- Customer Drawing: FP6-Z-H650_A
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- [2021] Metrology Testbed for the Thirty Meter Telescope Primary Mirror
- [2019] Interferometric Metrology for the TMT Primary Mirror Segments: Design and Analysis
- [2018] Infrared computer-generated holograms: design and application for the WFIRST grism using wavelength-tuning interferometry
- [2016] Optical Alignment with CGH Phase References
- [2014] Precision Alignment And Calibration Of Optical Systems Using Computer Generated Holograms
- [2014] Diffractive optics calibrator: measurement of etching variations for binary computer-generated holograms
- [2013] Optical testing with computer generated holograms: comprehensive error analysis
- [2013] Design and analysis of an alignment procedure using computer-generated holograms
- [2011] Low uncertainty alignment procedure using computer generated holograms
- [2010] Imaging issues for interferometry with CGH null correctors
- [2010] Measurement of aspheric mirror segments using Fizeau interferometry with CGH correction
- [2009] Fizeau interferometer with spherical reference and CGH correction for measuring large convex aspheres
- [2007] Fabrication error analysis and experimental demonstration for computer-generated holograms
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- [2006] Analysis of phase sensitivity for binary computer-generated holograms
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- [2005] Testing an off-axis parabola with a CGH and a spherical mirror as null lens
- [2004] Efficient testing of segmented aspherical mirrors by use of reference plate and computer-generated holograms. I. Theory and system optimization
- [2004] Efficient testing of segmented aspherical mirrors by use of a reference plate and computer-generated holograms. II. Case study, error analysis, and experimental validation
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- Show Remaining Articles ( 16 ) Collapse Articles
- What is a CGH?
- How are CGHs used?
- What is a "null"?
- What is a "UUT"?
- How is a CGH mounted and adjusted?
- What types of surfaces can be measured using a CGH?
- What is the typical accuracy of a CGH?
- What are the benefits of using a CGH for metrology?
- What is CGH substrate error and how does it get subtracted?
- What are fiducial dots and how are they used?
- Are CGHs delicate?
- How do you clean a CGH?
- What is a Metrology Platform?
- What type of interferometer do I need to use a CGH?
- What is diffraction efficiency?
- What is the difference between an amplitude and a phase CGH?
- How is a CGH different from other types of holograms?
- What size CGHs does AOM produce?
- Do CGHs require regular calibration?
- Show Remaining Articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- Arc Focus Reference Alignment Patterns (AF)
- Crosshair Point Focus (PF-X)
- Line Focus Reference Alignment Patterns (LF)
- Confocal Point Focus Alignment Pattern (PF-C)
- Catseye Pair Alignment Pattern (CE-P)
- Catseye Single Alignment Pattern (CE-S)
- Collimation Alignment Pattern (CO)
- Visual Point Focus Alignment Pattern (PF-V)
[2022] Computer-Generated Hologram Metrology Alignment: Challenges and Solutions
Recording Produced by Laurin Publishing Company Inc.
Computer-generated hologram (CGH) metrology has several benefits, such as 1/100th wave accuracy and snapshot measurement time. However, the alignment of aspheric and freeform parts in CGH setups can be challenging. Unlike spherical or cylindrical optics, for example, more complex shapes allow perfect compensation of tilt with decenter. Blindly aligning to reach minimum surface figure error (SFE) is a valid approach, but only if these degrees of freedom can also be aligned in the final application. Further, misalignment signatures can be mistaken as surface figure errors during manufacturing, imprinting more errors onto an optic.
How can one capture true surface figure error relative to mechanical features that are relevant in manufacturing or final assembly? In this talk, Dr. Shelby Ament presents several alignment features that can be written onto the CGH itself to provide feedback that will speed up alignment and ensure SFE is measured relative to relevant datums. The following topics are addressed:
- Examples of commonly used reference datums and their intended purpose.
- Types of CGH patterns to consider as part of an overall alignment plan, including:
- Projected spots for coarse visual alignment;
- Converging wavefronts that reflect off of tooling balls or sphere-mounted retroreflectors (SMRs);
- Catseye rings or spots that come to focus on a test optic; and
- Line focus reference patterns used in concert with corner cubes or SMRs.
- Test optic mounting and alignment solutions.
This presentation premiered during the 2022 Photonics Spectra Conference.
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