

Software solutions for data reduction, analysis, calibration, and stitching.

AOM offers software solutions that allow you to process and analyze your metrology results with confidence.

Morpheus™ Data Reduction Software

Morpheus™ software from AOM enables data reduction for measurement maps created by a CGH null to inform deterministic polishing or machining of optics, feedback, and analysis for CGH test alignment and calibration of measured data using CGHs.

Graphic giving an overview of the Morpheus: a raw measurement is input and then data is calibrated, corrected, and aligned to create a processed measurement
Screenshot of data remapping in Morpheus Software
Screenshot of alignment mode analysis in Morpheus Software
Screenshot of uncertainty analysis in data in Morpheus Software

Morpheus™ Software Features

Data Remapping
Convert CGH measurement data to the coordinate frame of the test optic, enabling precise feedback for deterministic polishing processes.
Alignment Mode Analysis
Automatically analyze and remove error contributions from misalignment in CGH tests, enabling fast convergence on surface figure for optical surface generation.
Substrate Calibration
Remove the transmitted wavefront error contribution by the CGH substrate from your measurement, reducing measurement uncertainty.
Uncertainty Analysis
Analyze the total uncertainty stack up of as-built CGH parameters, design residuals, and test geometry uncertainty.
Graphic with overview of Morpheus software; a raw measurement is input, the software calibrates, corrects distortion, and fits/removes misalignment errors to produce the processed measurement

How It Works

  • Morpheus™ software is free to download! Explore the capabilities and features with the included sample data sets.
  • Each custom CGH includes an optional “digital twin” CGH file (.cgh) which contains all of the data required to process measurement data – substrate calibration, mapping relations, alignment mode sensitivities, and uncertainty analysis functions.
  • Ask your AOM representative to include the optional .cgh file with your next CGH purchase to start using Morpheus in your lab!

Get Started with Morpheus™

Ready to download Morpheus™? Use this form to submit a download request; our software experts will get back to you shortly with the info you need to download and get started using the best data reduction software from AOM.

ZBR Stitching Software

ZBR software stitches sub-aperture interferometric data maps enabling full surface map measurement of large optics. Stitching is often necessary for large convex spheres and aspheres larger than the beam size of a transmission sphere, flats larger than the available interferometer aperture, and cylinders longer than the available CGH aperture.

Screenshot of fully stitched map using ZBR stitching software

ZBR Features

  • Stitch rotationally, linear, raster, or any freeform pattern of subapertures.
  • Sub-aperture measurement inputs in a variety of data formats, such as Zygo’s datx and .xyz, 4D’s H5, ESDI’s hdf, and more.
  • Self-calibrating option removes systematic contributions of each sub-aperture measurement, minimizing error in the final stitched map.
  • A host of analytics and feedback to ensure stitching is performed optimally.
  • To facilitate sub-aperture stitching, precision mechanics that allows rotation and/or translation of the surface under test is required.

How It Works

  • ZBR software is a licensed package with a transferrable hardware dongle.
  • Contact your AOM representative for a ZBR stitching software license quote today!